Journaling The Journey

Best Value Executive Health Screen in Malaysia: Our Affordable Luxury Experience at Prince Court Hospital

Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen in Malaysia

After a lot of trial and error searches, being guinea pigs to find the best value executive health screen, we were finally able to discover affordable luxury healthcare!  Life on the road can be exhilarating. New cultures, stunning landscapes, and the freedom to explore – it’s a dream for many.  But as nomads, prioritizing health can be a challenge and we are always in search of the best value executive health screen because we want to continue this lifestyle for a long time and stay healthy!

As nomads, consistent access to quality healthcare is a luxury often out of reach. Our bodies, constantly adapting to new environments need to be given a bit of extra TLC. When fellow travelers raved about Prince Court Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, we were intrigued. Their personal experiences of exceptional care and tailored health screenings resonated with what we were looking for – affordable luxury healthcare!

Prince Court Hospital offered us a luxurious yet best value Executive Health Screen. While the comprehensive package was impressive, we soon realized that follow-up care and potential subsequent tests may incur costs higher than their competitor nearby. This led us to explore other options for more affordable, yet high-quality, post-screening care.

We’ll delve deeper into the details of the Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen experience, including the screening process, facilities, and staff, in the following sections. Additionally, we’ll share our findings on alternative options for follow-up care, focusing on cost-effectiveness without compromising quality.

By comparing these two aspects of healthcare, we aim to provide valuable insights for fellow travelers seeking optimal health solutions while on the road.  And of course that includes those in search of awesome medical tourism in Malaysia.  As for us, this was the best value executive health screen and affordable luxury healthcare that we have encountered in the world – not just Malaysia.

As always, our reviews are our experiences – we were not compensated in any way for writing this.

Affordable Luxury Healthcare – Failures

Affordable Luxury Healthcare failures

Before we delve into our great find at Prince Court, we must first look back at the failures that we had to endure in our quest to find the best value executive health screen.

We have made some mistakes along the way, and want to share what we’ve learned so you don’t make the same poor choices.  During these last 7 years we have traveled the world looking for the best value executive health screen and most affordable luxury healthcare, so that we can share the winners with you.  But first, the failures:

Bumrungrad Hospital: Not Affordable Luxury Healthcare

Our first stop was at Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok.  Now, before you say, “but this hospital is rated so well?!”.  Yes, Bumrungrad is rated very well.  It is a luxurious western hospital with all the shiny trappings of any top notch North American hospital.  We have a friend who visits Bumrungrad annually for his health screens.   However, here are the issues that we had with this place:

  1.   I was treated like a number throughout my visits there.  Customer service was really lacking and the focus was on doing as many tests as possible to run up the bill.
  2.  Two of the three doctors that I saw there did not speak English, even though they were listed as English speaking doctors.
  3. Prices were high for an Asian hospital.  They were closer to North American prices than what I expected from a Thai hospital.

Prenuvo – False Positives

Prenuvo is a whole body radiation-free MRI executive health screen for early detection of over 500 different cancers.  Sounds great, right?!  Well, we thought so.  However, year after year I was getting false positives that pointed to some scary stuff.  I had to undergo a brain CT scan which showed that nothing was wrong.

Then I had to go through a thyroid biopsy, again, false positive.  Both were invasive procedures which were needless and put me at risk of getting unnecessary high levels of radiation or infection.

Now, Rob did not have false positives and we have a number of friends who find Prenuvo to be a life saver.  So, you need to make a decision about this service  on your own.  However, for me, Prenuvo is a hard no.  Especially with the $2,500 price tag.

PRO TIP:  If you still want to do Prenuvo, here are a few money saving tips:

  1. Ask for a discount – they usually will provide a minimum 10% discount if you ask.
  2. Get it done in Vancouver, Canada as the cost is the same, only in Canadian dollars, which have been a 25% plus discount during the last few years.

BaliMed Hospital – A Horror Story

After I received the false positives from Prenuvo, I tried to get the recommended tests done at Bumrungrad and then at the BaliMed Hospital in Bali.  BaliMed was the biggest failure of them all.  The hospital was rundown and the equipment looked very primitive.  I am not going to bore you with the gruesome details of the procedures that I had to endure, but let’s just say, I will not be returning to this hospital.

Customer service was really lacking and the prices at BaliMed were also higher than I would have expected.

Best Value Executive Health Screen – Medical Tourism in Malaysia

Covering a vast array of tests , it promised a deep dive into our overall health.  You can review the full list of the Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen packages and their corresponding tests here,  There are a few packages to choose from.  Rob selected the Signature Male package and I had the Signature Female one (these are the most comprehensive screens).  We booked our appointment, eager to finally experience this executive health screen in Malaysia.

Cost of Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen

Since this post is mostly focused on a best value Executive Health Screen, cost is important.  Therefore, we wanted to share our costs upfront.

  • Signature Male screen cost was 1,800 MYR (approximately $388 USD)
  • Signature Female screen cost was 2,050 MYR (approximately $442 USD)

PRO TIP: Master Card has acknowledged the Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen as one of the best in the world and is offering a 10% discount to their clients.  Therefore if you have a Master Card then your cost for the screens would be:

  • Signature Male screen would be reduced to $350 USD
  • Signature Female screen would be reduced to $400 USD

Arrival: Stepping into Modernity and Tranquility

Arriving at Prince Court Hospital felt like entering a serene spa rather than a medical facility. The modern architecture, coupled with warm lighting and soothing colors, set an immediate tone of comfort. There was a woman playing a baby grand piano in the lobby, setting the tone for the day.

The staff greeted us with genuine smiles and professional efficiency. After the registration process, we were brought to a comfortable waiting lounge where coffee, tea, water and snacks were served.  Blood Diamond was being screened on the television hanging in the corner and free WiFi was offered.

Meet the Doctor: A Personalized Approach

Our consultation with Dr. Stephen Chee, a highly experienced and personable physician, put any lingering anxieties to rest. He took the time to understand our travel lifestyle, dietary habits, and medical history. He patiently answered all our questions, explaining the rationale behind each test included in the Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen. We felt a sense of genuine care and a personalized approach, which is something we rarely experience in our fast-paced nomadic life.

The Testing Journey: A Long Day

The day unfolded quickly, with each test coordinated with minimal wait times.  We were prepared for the various screenings, including blood tests, bone density tests, ultrasounds of our organs, breast and ovarian ultrasound for me, vision and audio tests, various cancer biomarker blood tests,  electrocardiograms, an exercise stress test, x-ray of the lungs, plus many more.   The nurses were highly skilled and ensured the experience was as comfortable as possible.

What truly impressed us was the attentiveness of the staff.  As we ran from one test to the next, we were greeted by smiling faces throughout the hospital aiming to help us get to the next phase of our day.  They also went out of their way to explain each test, ensuring we felt informed and at ease.

WELLNESS FACT: Part of the Prince Court Hospital Executive Screen is an x-ray of the lungs.  We were wondering why such a test would be included.  Well, we were shocked to find out that lung cancer in women (who have never smoked) has risen by 84% in the last 40 years.

Lunch Break: Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen

This day also included a lunch with an allowance of up to 20 MYR each in the Galleria Restaurant at the hospital.  Dishes ranged from Indian to Malaysian to Western and had a few vegan options.  I had the vegan ramen with a watermelon juice while Rob had Nasi Lamak.  Both were delicious.

Beyond the Tests: Holistic Review

The commitment to patient care didn’t end after the tests were completed.   That is when we received most of the important information from the specialists.

First we were seen by the hospital’s dietitian who carefully reviewed our results combined with all of our body composition information.  She also reviewed our test results from a nutritional perspective.  For instance she discussed our bone density results together with our  total calcium blood test results.  Even though I thought I knew a lot about nutrition, this doctor was able to provide additional information that I thought was valuable.

Our last meeting was again with Dr. Steven Chee (whom we met at the beginning of the day).  Dr. Steven reviewed the results thoroughly. He explained any potential concerns in a clear and concise manner, alleviating any anxieties we might have had. Importantly, he didn’t just present the data; he actively involved us in the discussion, creating a collaborative approach to our health.

Part of the Prince Court Executive Health Screen is a free consultation with a gastroenterologist which can be squeezed into your screening day (if there is time), or can be done during a subsequent visit.

Follow Ups – Affordable Luxury Healthcare

Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen in Malaysia
State of the art MRI’s at Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen in Malaysia

While the initial Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen provided a comprehensive overview of our health, we soon realized that follow-up care and subsequent tests could significantly impact our overall healthcare costs.

For instance, while the follow up cardiac specialist evaluation, including an ECG stress test and ultrasound, was reasonably priced at $250 USD, subsequent ophthalmology consultations came as a surprise. The examination, though thorough, was priced at a hefty $180 USD, exceeding what we typically expect for such services, even in Western countries. Endocrinology follow-ups, on the other hand, were more budget-friendly at $66 USD (and this included 45 minutes with the endocrinologist).

Seeking Alternatives: Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Driven by the need for more cost-effective yet high-quality healthcare options, we turned our attention to Gleneagles Hospital, also located in Kuala Lumpur. Our friends had recommended Gleneagles for follow ups, due to their competitive pricing without compromising on care standards.

Initial research indicated that Gleneagles Hospital offered similar services to Prince Court Hospital but at potentially lower costs. For instance, an opthalmology exam at Gleneagles Hospital is only $40 USD, while I paid $180 USD at Prince Court Hospital.

However a colonoscopy, a crucial follow-up procedure for many, was quoted at a starting price of $775 USD at Gleneagles Hospital compared to Prince Court Hospital’s $1,000  USD range.

PRO TIP: You may want to consider requesting a few additional procedures to complement the Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen:

  • an MRI of the brain (structure of brain)  – no radiation
  • an MRA of the brain (look at the brain’s blood vessels) – no radiation
  • a carotid ultrasound test to look for blocked or narrowed carotid arteries, which can increase the risk of stroke. The results of the test can help your health care provider determine a treatment to lower your stroke risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen in Malaysia
Rob’s lunch during his Prince Court Hospital Executive Health Screen in Malaysia

1. Is medical tourism safe in Malaysia?

Yes, Malaysia is generally considered a safe destination for medical tourism. The country has well-regulated healthcare facilities with internationally trained doctors and specialists. However, it’s always wise to do your research and choose a reputable hospital or clinic.

2. What’s included in a typical medical executive health screen in Malaysia?

The specific tests included may vary depending on the provider and the individual’s needs.  We chose the Prince Court Hospital Executive    Health Screen over the one that Gleneagles Hospital offers because the testing at Prince Court were more comprehensive.  Here are some  of the tests offered:

  • Blood tests (complete blood count, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc.,)
  • Urine analysis
  • Cardiac tests (ECG, stress test, etc.,)
  • Imaging (Xrays, Ultrasounds, mammograms, etc.,)
  • Cancer screenings (depending on gender and age)
  • Bone density tests
  • Vision and hearing tests
  • Lung function
  • Nutritional assessment

3. What are the benefits of getting a best value executive health screen in Malaysia (or anywhere else)?

  • Early detection of health problems: This can lead to early intervention and better treatment outcomes.
  • Personalized health assessment: You’ll receive a comprehensive report and consultation with a doctor to discuss your results and create a personalized health plan.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing your health status can reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Prevention: Identifying risk factors can help you make lifestyle changes to prevent future health problems.

4. How often should I get an executive health screen?

This can vary depending on your age, health history, and lifestyle. However, most doctors recommend getting a comprehensive health                   screening every 1-3 years.  For us, we decided to do the Prince Court Executive Health Screen once per year.  In addition we will do the                 brain MRI and MRA and the neck carotid ultrasound once every 2 years at Gleneagles Hospital.

5. Is an executive health screen covered by travel insurance?

This depends on your specific travel insurance policy. Some policies may cover certain preventative health screenings, but it’s always best            to check with your insurance provider before scheduling an appointment.  For us, we choose the cheaper high deductible health insurance policies and pay for these types of preventative tests out of pocket as it works out to be cheaper for us in the long run.

You may remember Rob’s 4 day stay in the Emergency Hospital in Senegal where he almost died of malaria?   Rob received around the clock care with tons of expensive drug infusions and tests in a huge suite (where I also slept).  The cost was only $1,000 USD!  Yes, healthcare around the world is a lot more affordable than it is in North America.

6. What should I do if I receive abnormal results from my health screen?

If you receive abnormal results, your doctor will discuss the findings with you and recommend further testing or treatment as needed.                  It’s  important to follow your doctor’s advice and address any potential health issues promptly.  Then you can weigh out where you want to receive your healthcare follow up treatments.

Wrap up – Medical Tourism in Malaysia

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