Journaling The Journey

A Useful Guide to Couple Travel for All 16 Personality Types

guide to couple travel guide, MBTI personality types,

Traveling as a couple can be a great way to bond, explore new places, and make memories that will last a lifetime. But it can also be challenging, especially if you and your partner have different personality types. That’s where the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) comes in. The MBTI is a personality test that helps […]

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10 Travel Tips During Covid-19 to be Safe

Top 10 Travel Tips during COVID 19

We came back to British Columbia in March and hunkered down for 3 months during the major uncertainty of COVID-19.  As things opened up and travel throughout BC and Alberta become possible, we immediately jumped on the opportunity.   We have learned a lot during this time.  Here are our top 10 tips for safer travel […]

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Fake Flight Ticket to Fulfill Onward Travel Check

fake ticket logo

Recently we overheard a woman talking about buying a fake flight ticket to satisfy the onward travel check.   Well, we had to start chatting with her to find out what she was talking about!  Fake flight ticket?  What is that? First she shared her travel style with us.  It is to work hard, save money […]

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Rome2rio -How to get from A to B

Travel Tools and tool and tips Rome2Rio

Like any good carpenter, tools are very important. Since we are constantly on the move I always find myself researching how to get to the next destination. One tool we use to get from A to B is Rome2rio. I can plug in any address, airport code, city and then a destination and boom! How […]

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VPN To Keep Your Data Secure.

VPN keep data safe while traveling

Using a VPN while surfing the net is like having health insurance while surfing the perfect swell in the ocean. If something bad happens you’ll be glad you had it. This is why it is wise to use a VPN to keep your data secure. And not only does a VPN keep data secure, it […]

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