Journaling The Journey

Rome2rio -How to get from A to B

Travel Tools and tool and tips Rome2Rio

Like any good carpenter, tools are very important. Since we are constantly on the move I always find myself researching how to get to the next destination. One tool we use to get from A to B is Rome2rio. I can plug in any address, airport code, city and then a destination and boom! How […]

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VPN To Keep Your Data Secure.

VPN keep data safe while traveling

Using a VPN while surfing the net is like having health insurance while surfing the perfect swell in the ocean. If something bad happens you’ll be glad you had it. This is why it is wise to use a VPN to keep your data secure. And not only does a VPN keep data secure, it […]

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Was Getting Robbed A Good Thing?

Last year in Taranto, Italy our car was broken into and our bags were stolen. At that point we pretty much only owned what was on our backs. Think about that. That’s it! Masha posted about the incident last year but I thought I’d reflect on it and see if we have grown from the experience. […]

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Cheap Hotels – 25% Hotels.com

Hotels.com deal is dead

Since we sold our house a few years back and now live exclusively out of hotels it is important that we save as much as we can.  After all this is kinda our mortgage so to get 25% off is a nice discount. Hotels.com has a rewards program that gives a free night after 10 […]

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3 Steps to Save Money on Online Shopping

Shopping Online 3 tips to save money

Nowadays online shopping is the way that most of us shop, right?  It is so much easier than going to a store and picking out the items that we need.  The stores are busy and don’t always have exactly what we need.  Yet online – well there we have so many options and it is […]

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